The film begins with a doctor explaining breast cancer and its detection methods. Then we learn that...
Basically a courtroom drama, Sumi is arrested and brought for a trial after her husband, Aditya’s pe...
Basically, a courtroom drama, the marriage of Wisnu and Shinta starts having problems when Shinta be...
The continues to stopped comunism that called PKI after G-30 S PKI....
The film is a "reconstruction" of the real event of Sum Kuning’s rape that happened 10 years before,...
Bunga (Sonia Isabella), ran away from the orphanage because she did not want to be accused as a liar...
Parista's household relationship with his wife Rindayu, experienced problems because his wife often ...
With the intention of finding who killed his father, Gepeng went to Jakarta. In the city he helped h...